Dorian Cobb, The unlucky smuggler #4 [Pirate Academy - ENG]

Dorian Cobb
#4 - The unlucky smuggler

Played by : P. D.

Motto: I make my own fortune, and I'll be darned if somebody says otherwise!
The Crew


THEMES: personal quest - misfortune - luck - supernatural

D. Cobb is somebody who has always regarderd themself as a person that can make it on their own. Always a lowlife, too keen to love the promise of easy money and loot, they have experience in thievery and smuggling. A well respected professional in their field, Cobb worked with the best, always stayed true to the path of injustice and never heard a word of reproach from the top tier thieves and killers that Cobb used to work with.
Truly, a blessed career.
Then suddenly, a single action teared Cobb's life apart, shutting down for good their lucky star. Cobb's money, contacts, brilliant carreer! All seems lost, dead and gone. Is it voodoo? Is it a curse? Is it... God?
Cobb is determined to end this! Dodge misfortune and fix life once and for all!


D. Cobb used to work with Blackguard   and they seem to be friends.
There was some history with Langer   but they haven't see each other in a while.
Adìma   knows of Cobb's last argument with the Dutch boss of the island.
Cobb suspects something about O. Dion   and the brothel.

The Crew - The Crew - Nationality: English - Gender: unisex