Sgt. Ray Richardson, called ’’Inglese’’, The English refugee -- Il fuoriuscito inglese #66 [I ribelli della montagna 2]

Sgt. Ray Richardson, called ’’Inglese’’
#66 - The English refugee -- Il fuoriuscito inglese

Interpretato da: K. H.

Motto: Fear can make you a captive, but hope can make you free
Gruppo: Stella Rossa


Night was dark and moonless. The Germans had to use the lights sparingly. A couple of light bulbs were buzzing, appealing mosquitos, but were not lighting up the field: darker shadows, nothing more. Sgt. Richardson come nearer to the netting, on wich stood barbed wire. It could be elettrified: in case, it will be the end. Struck or shot for the failed getaway. He decided to try: he took off his jacket, threw it to the netting, hang on it squeezing his eyes, waiting for the shock, but it did not come. He jumped off the enclosure, and start running through the darkness. A couple of young ones followed him, but the noise recalled the German Soldiers. Shadows running in the shadows - MP40 firing, bullets in the air, thei took the young guys. But he was out of reach. He run until was out of breath, until the lungs started to ache, and heart begged to stop. He fell on ground, and fainted. When he recovered, he had a couple of spiked boot in front of his head. He immediately knew he was not a soldier, but he was bringing a Sten. No words, no uniform. Only a strong handshake. That was enough to start again to fight.


He was rescued by Giulio Bortolotti called Cino   who took him to the Rebels. He likes a lot Clarina Piazza called Cicci  , and tries to teach her english language. He saved, with Edera   and Birra  , Meredith Taylor  , an english nurse caught by the Germans. He is in intimacy with her.

Provenienza: Partigiani - Gruppo: Stella Rossa - Genere: Maschio - Età dell'interprete: Adult - Consigli: INTERNATIONAL PLAYER - Archetipi: Active

Altri membri del gruppo: Stella Rossa Milena Scaglione nome di battaglia Stella (64 ) interpretato da Mariagrazia M; Giulio Bortolotti nome di battaglia Cino (62 ) interpretato da Cesare S; Ettore Gamberini, nome di battaglia ’’Sirio’’ (56 ) interpretato da Mattia L; Agostino Granelli nome di battaglia Zanna (67 ) interpretato da Luca P; Cesare Carradini, nome di battaglia ’’Ulisse’’ (59 ) interpretato da Francesco P; Paolo Gamberini, nome di battaglia ’’Birra’’ (58 ) interpretato da Alex G; Carlo Berardi, nome di battaglia ’’Orso’’ (61 ) interpretato da Antonino G; Ten. Ferruccio Moscatelli, nome di battaglia ’’Tenente’’ (60 ) interpretato da paolo d; Riccardo Ferri, nome di battaglia ’’Burrasca’’ (68 ) interpretato da Roberto G; Cpt. Paul Radcliffe (69 ) interpretato da Bruno C; Don Renato Montanari, nome di battaglia ’’Gentile’’ (57 ) interpretato da Nicolò P; Leonardo Bianchi, nome di battaglia ’’Lampo’’ (63 ) interpretato da Lorenzo G; Adele Veronesi, nome di battaglia ’’Edera’’ (65 ) interpretato da Lisa M;