Gaelen, The solicitous servant #118 [Dracarys - il risveglio della magia]

#118 - The solicitous servant

Interpretato da: N. K.

Motto: Survival is the ability to swim in strange waters
Gruppo: Free Cities - I viaggiatori delle Città Libere (leggi descrizione gruppo)


Sometimes you need to leave to find what you need; sometimes a foreign country offers occasions you wouldn't find at home. Like being employed in the service of such a rich and influential merchant. This not only involves a good pay and a respected house to work in, but also lots of interesting experiences, and the chance for Gaelen to see more foreign places and meet strange people as she accompanies her master in his business travels... Now, for example, they're preparing to sail for yet further West - all the way to Westeros. How else could she have managed to reach such exotic, faraway country? She looks forward to meet the people there, and she's sure the voyage will be a most useful experience.


In the service of Theynian Fyo  , an excellent master who always takes her along in his journeys. Illyrio Mopatis   looks a merchant as wealthy and influent as her master; who knows what tales could he tell? Assadora   also seems to have had a compelling past. Tyrissa   and Lysillo   are the first members of the notorious Red Cult she had the opportunity to meet closely; she doesn't really know much about their cult, she'd be curious to learn more. She'd never seen a show like the Mummers'        , in the East they do things differently... she really must learn how they do it. The wise folks Norenno  , Ayht   and Ydlyn   are awesome: sorcery, alchemy, lore are such complicated things... luckily her master allows Gaelen time to read, otherwise she wouldn't even understand what is they do. Isn't Unwin Peake   proud of his father Laswell  ? How many adventures could they have lived through?

Provenienza: International - Gruppo: Free Cities - I viaggiatori delle Città Libere - Genere: female - Età dell'interprete: qualsiasi - any age - Consigli: Suitable for a player who likes to meddle in other characters' plots or to have a role in things without being directly involved in the action. - Archetipi: (clicca per descrizione) Cerusico - Healer

Altri membri del gruppo: Free Cities - I viaggiatori delle Città Libere Theynian Fyo (117 ) interpretato da Davide S; Qotho (110 ) interpretato da Fabio D; Belario (94 ) interpretato da Pelle J; Unwin Peake (120 ) interpretato da Philippe S; Ricasso (112 ) interpretato da Mattia C; Brella Oss (101 ) interpretato da Gudrun H; Garrar the eunuch (122 ) interpretato da Kirk G; Thorar Vhassel (91 ) interpretato da Matija M; Assadora (102 ) interpretato da Vasileia Ourania K; Ydlyn Iyidae (114 ) interpretato da Lucija T; Tista (119 ) interpretato da Astrid I; Ayht Xaxon (113 ) interpretato da Libor H; Turenvyse (116 ) interpretato da Cher A; Vogg Knuth (88 ) interpretato da Jeremy F; Lady Tyrissa (107 ) interpretato da Lucy H; Oggo Vollf (123 ) interpretato da Tom B; Terro Enrio (98 ) interpretato da Nevo L; Quill Volentin (92 ) interpretato da Yuval R; Miclin (89 ) interpretato da Christine H; Norenno Maegyr (115 ) interpretato da Cedric L; Illyrio Mopatis (100 ) interpretato da Gianluca F; Laswell Peake (121 ) interpretato da maurizio m; Revyz of the Two Blades (90 ) ancora in cerca di interprete ; Alia Deem (93 ) ancora in cerca di interprete ; Lysillo of Pentos (108 ) ancora in cerca di interprete ; Rhialta Vance (111 ) ancora in cerca di interprete ; Lysa Maar (125 ) ancora in cerca di interprete ; Addro (126 ) ancora in cerca di interprete ;