Father Omar Venturelli Lionelli, The Priest of the humblest #58 [Desaparecidos - ENG]

Played by : V. G.

Motto: | Do not fear those who kill the body. Fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him! | (Luke 12:4-5)
Group: The democratic opposition
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Democratic Opposition
“We buried our democracy, we buried our freedom” (I. Allende)

Former politicians from the banished parties populate the mild opposition, still dangerous and illegal.
Professors, teachers, artists, journalists, all try to resist censorship and are marked as dangerous subversives.
They are various people, who all want to restore democracy by organized political and peaceful actions, strongly blaming violence both from the regime and MIR.
Thoughts, art, words, they still have the power to convince the conscience of a country. Or to sentence it to death.

The democratic opposition will build its game on the universal values of civilization, right, freedom, into a context where they have been wiped out and forbidden.
THEMES: democratic values, responsibility, hope, resistance.


Revolutionary minister, street priest, shelter to the last and the humblest. The salesian has been defined in many ways, but if asked Omar Venturelli would say is just a man, a father. Even if he’s respectful and dutiful, he also lives far from the golden wealth of the Church, as well as from some of the official positions of the Holy See. He lives his call in his own way, walking among the people, living among them. The only way to nurture faith in God and to be faithful to his mission, is to give a voice to those that otherwise would be unheard. At them, everyone should listen, everyone should lend help, everyone should stand beside. For Jesus said “the last shall be first, and the first last”.


He usually ignores Enrique Alvear Urrutia   when he starts lecturing him about how he should behave. Doctor Romero   is a good friend and together they make a great team; they both have made helping the less fortunate their own cause. During a protest he met Juana Francisca Ramirez   and Ramon Valdez  , a young couple fighting alongside each other for a right cause.

Alignment: The dissidents - Group: The democratic opposition - Nationality: Chile - Gender: Male - Player's Age: any age - DISCLAIMER: Disclaimer: The characters and the stories presented in DESAPARECIDOS are inspired by people and real facts, but their description and characterization is totally the result of imagination. In the writing of the event numerous liberties have been taken, especially as regards the characterization of the characters, the images used and the succession of the various events, which never claim to reflect the reality of the facts or behavior of historical characters. The interpretation of the players and the evolution of the narrative will lead to moments and events quite distant from historical reality. It is not intention of the authors to express any specific position or to make judgments on specific facts that actually occurred -except to condemn the use of any form of violence by anyone- nor to diminish in any way the historical and personal tragedy of the Chilean people and thousands of families involved in the drama of the desaparecidos.

Other members of the group: The democratic opposition Manuel Cabieses Donoso (44 ) Played by Marcello A; Carmen Yanez (56 ) Played by Margherita F; Ramon Valdez (66 ) Played by Alessandro L; Hector Hernan Gonzalez Osorio (48 ) Played by Matteo T; Juana Francisca Ramirez (65 ) Played by Christine H; Michelle Bachelet (53 ) still looking for its player ;