Betsiley, The skillful fence with a quick tongue #27 [Against All Flags - EN 2]
Interpretato da: M. L.
Motto: You dont trust people because they deserve it; you do it because you dont have others to rely on
Gruppo: Fuego's group
You would be able to sell seawater to fish, if only they could hear you. You have long put your skills at the service of Libertalia. It is because of you that the sisters have been able to sell their loot. If there is bargaining to be done, you are the most skillful. You always try to make sure that everyone involved in a negotiation remains satisfied with the outcome, even if it means sweet-talking them a bit. Haggling skill is the most powerful weapon you have, but you know that it's the friendship and support of free sisters that saved your life more than once. You can' save yourself alone.
Kimera controls you and you don't know why. You and Papillon do business together.
Fuego saved your life.
You, Similay and Tamatave grew up together. Karma is like a mother to you, you always try to follow her directions. Salazar is a close friend of yours.
You and Storm have clashed in the past.
- - Gruppo: Fuego's group - Nation: Madagascar - Character's Age (playable by anyone): young - Keywords: Divided Heart Mediation Juggling situations
Altri membri del gruppo: Fuego's group Azure (28 ) interpretato da Alex H; Granada (24 ) interpretato da Mary L; Papillon (23 ) interpretato da Joel T; Fuego (21 ) interpretato da Christian K; Rascal (25 ) interpretato da Gilles C; McKenzie (26 ) interpretato da Sylvain L; Kassidy (29 ) interpretato da Andrea P; Seadog (30 ) interpretato da Joern T; Skully (NPC) (22 ) ancora in cerca di interprete ;