Octavius, The undefeated Gladiator #27 [Demetra - INTERNATIONAL]

#27 - The undefeated Gladiator

Played by : D. S.

Motto: In life as in the arena I am the one who decides his actions.
Group: The Entertainers


You would never have been someone important without your body. It was your body to give you an identity, to place yourself in Olympus as the ''Undefeated'', because Gladiators are not born, but you become one with determination and tenacity. Little do you care about the motivation that led you for the first time down in the arena, you only know that you had to pour sweat and blood on the dirty floor to get where you are. Now, at the sound of your name, the women scream as if they had orgasms, and the men can only envy you. Yet, looking at your face in the mirror, you only see a clown ready to wear a new mask and you wonder if what you have is really what you want.

KEY WORDS success. charm. mystery, chaos, frustration


Frida Perez   is not only your manager, but also the one who trusted you. You fought the first time against the champion Spartacus  : from that day your relationship, previously like brothers, has deteriorated. You think Corvus   has some sort of envy for you, he seems not to have understood that the two of you have many things in common. You took under your wing the newcomer Apollo   with whom you spend most of your time at practice and after it.

Origin: Guests - Group: The Entertainers - Gender: male - Età dell'interprete: Any age - Advices: Suitable for an adaptable player who likes to play unusual roles. Suitable for a player able to simulate fights.

Other members of the group: The Entertainers Julian Bennet (35 ) Played by Marcello A; Frida Perez (23 ) Played by Elisa c; Matthew Harris (28 ) Played by Sebastien K; Babel (38 ) Played by Michael B; Raymond Long (34 ) Played by Damien R; Laverne McKenzie (24 ) Played by Bérénice M; Jason Mandez (29 ) Played by Rok F; Maxwell Bright (33 ) Played by Josh E; Spartacus (32 ) Played by Matteo T; Apollo (30 ) Played by Patrick W; Samwell ''Martini'' Johnson (26 ) Played by Adrian Hvidbjerg P; Phil Blackwood (39 ) Played by Federico F; Corvus (31 ) Played by Davide O; Emily Cox (25 ) Played by Mary L; Blake (37 ) Played by Daniele C; Ken Albright (42 ) still looking for its player ; Julius Cristopher Lincoln (41 ) still looking for its player ; Cosmas Lee Gilmore (40 ) still looking for its player ; Tom Dawson (36 ) still looking for its player ;