McKenzie, The code master who loves to use her hands #26 [Against All Flags - EN 2]
Interpretato da: S. L.
Motto: No cause is lost as long as there is even one fool to fight for it
Gruppo: Fuego's group
The pirate code, in its Libertalia revised and improved form, is what holds you together and makes your community so important. It is also what makes you appear dangerous in the eyes of your enemies. You have succeeded in giving substance to, and then living, a dream of egalitarianism and anarchy that will influence the future of the whole world. You are talked about in all the courts of Europe. More importantly, the oppressed of the world look to you as the ones who have made it. You are willing to do anything for this dream to survive. Even if it means smacking your own sisters in the face.
You have long been training Azure in combat.
Lately you have become friends with Ace .
You, Fuego and Rascal have been raiding together for ages. You've had it out with Papillon .
Caraccioli is your primary inspiration and is teaching you to become the master of ceremony and code keeper.
Seadog angers you with his pranks.
Kassidy owes you his life.
- - Gruppo: Fuego's group - Nation: Scotland - Character's Age (playable by anyone): any - Keywords: Code Slaps Tenacity
Altri membri del gruppo: Fuego's group Azure (28 ) interpretato da Alex H; Granada (24 ) interpretato da Mary L; Papillon (23 ) interpretato da Joel T; Fuego (21 ) interpretato da Christian K; Rascal (25 ) interpretato da Gilles C; Betsiley (27 ) interpretato da Marine L; Kassidy (29 ) interpretato da Andrea P; Seadog (30 ) interpretato da Joern T; Skully (NPC) (22 ) ancora in cerca di interprete ;