Cardinal Giovanni Benelli, The Holy Roman Church acolyte #2 [Desaparecidos - ENG]

Cardinal Giovanni Benelli
#2 - The Holy Roman Church acolyte

Played by : F. P.

Motto: 'Virtus ex alto. | | |
Group: The Vatican Delegation
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Vatican delegation
“As expected during a coup d’état, there has been bloodshed during the cleaning procedures in Chile” (Monsignor Benelli, Vatican Secretary of State)

Far from Chilean reality, the high representatives of the Vatican support Pinochet in the name of the fight to communism. Voices of the dictatorship arrive in Rome, where the media accusations are thought to be a leftist campaign to belittle the regime. The clergy realize how much communist propaganda can influence the free world’s media.
What will they do when they hear the screams of the prisoners?
The regime’s propaganda and fear of communism will clash with ethics and religion. The power dynamics will conflict with moral and faith questions, in a delicate game of balances between politics and religion.
The members of the Vatican delegation will play a game in which their beliefs will face reality, where theology and politics will face the horrors committed by men,
THEMES: Politics, religion, hypocrisy, power.


As Christ the Lord had His disciples beside Him, Villot finds Benelli, the Vatican Vice Chancellor, an obedient and loyal aid at his side. ''Ora et labora'', breaking his silence to become the shield and oice of the Church against the hammer and sickle, denouncing the gangrene of communist propaganda, for all men are fickle and easily tempted, prone to listen to lies and slander. In such a world, how can one yearn for salvation? Prayers and penance inspired by the Lord are the only refuge and comfort from the anxieties of earthly life and from the ordeals that God the Almighty bestows upon His people, to gauge their strength, their faith and their true repentance.


Lately Jean Marie Villot   has changed and barks orders at him, as he were a dog. Of all the men he met in his life, Joaquin Navarro Valls   is one of those he despises more: the Monsignore is full of himself and acts as if he were God among men. It's been a while since he last met Prince Junio Valerio Borghese  , an old acquaintance of aristocratic breed, with impeccable manners, taste, and a friendly ear to any personal request and need.

Alignment: The clergy - Group: The Vatican Delegation - Nationality: Italy - Gender: Male - Player's Age: any age - DISCLAIMER: Disclaimer:
The characters and the stories presented in DESAPARECIDOS are inspired by people and real facts, but their description and characterization is totally the result of imagination.
In the writing of the event numerous liberties have been taken, especially as regards the characterization of the characters, the images used and the succession of the various events, which never claim to reflect the reality of the facts or behavior of historical characters.
The interpretation of the players and the evolution of the narrative will lead to moments and events quite distant from historical reality.

It is not intention of the authors to express any specific position or to make judgments on specific facts that actually occurred -except to condemn the use of any form of violence by anyone- nor to diminish in any way the historical and personal tragedy of the Chilean people and thousands of families involved in the drama of the desaparecidos.

Other members of the group: The Vatican Delegation Cardinal Jean Marie Villot (1 ) Played by Luna N; Joaquin Navarro Valls (6 ) Played by Michael P;