Chili, The daring explorer in love with freedom #16 [Against All Flags - EN 2]
Interpretato da: A. P.
Motto: Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Gruppo: Avery's group
Even when you are not the one chasing her, adventure has a way of always finding you. Before joining the free sisters, you collected a series of exploits that made you famous throughout the courts of Europe. You have a great aptitude for discovery. Your sharp mind is always on the lookout for new mysteries to unravel. There is no treasure you cannot find, no riddle you cannot solve, no artefact you cannot understand. And, when things go wrong, your faithful muskets always get you out of trouble. But there is knowledge that brings with it dangers of another kind. Who knows if you are ready for them.
You and Bellamy are inseparable. Betsiley is a dear friend.
You met Similay and Hunter before coming to Libertalia.
You have been able to collaborate with Plomb and test his skills.
Seadog has interesting maps.
You and Tamatave compete in jokes.
You have clashed with Tortuga in the past.
You esteem Caraccioli above any other free sister.
Granada's roaring laughter sounds like something out of a nightmare and causes you inexplicable fear.
- - Gruppo: Avery's group - Nation: Spain - Character's Age (playable by anyone): any - Keywords: Treasures Muskets Adventure
Altri membri del gruppo: Avery's group Hunter (14 ) interpretato da Paul T; Indigo (13 ) interpretato da Anton V; Plomb (20 ) interpretato da Jan D; Avery (11 ) interpretato da Claire B; Similay (18 ) interpretato da Stefan K; Salazar (19 ) interpretato da Magdalena G; Bellamy (17 ) interpretato da Aurore L; Tamatave (15 ) interpretato da Elena P; Karma (NPC) (12 ) ancora in cerca di interprete ;