Tamatave, The indomitable warrior with a magnet for trouble #15 [Against All Flags - EN 2]
Played by : E. P.
Motto: In critical situations recklessness takes the place of wisdom.
Group: Avery's group
They say you have quicksilver on you Tamatave. That you never stop and are always up to something. Your exploits and constant twists and turns bring joy to the community of Libertalia, but sometimes in order to get away from those you've driven mad, you have to run like the wind and climb where no one can reach you. Then comes the time of battle, and every free sister wants to have you by her side. You descend like a storm upon your enemies, your eyes shining and your skin quivering. And no one can contain the intoxication that grips you in those moments.
Although you value each other, you and Kimera have clashed in the past.
You and Indigo are good friends. Hunter is a reference figure for you.
You, Similay and Betsiley grew up together.
Karma is like a mother to you, but you do not always follow her advice.
Salazar always has to treat you after your rambunctious exploits.
You and Chili play pranks.
When he arrived in Libertalia, you felt as if you had seen Rascal before.
- - Group: Avery's group - Nation: Madagascar - Character's Age (playable by anyone): young - Keywords: Bad girl Belonging Peripatetic
Other members of the group: Avery's group Hunter (14 ) Played by Paul T; Indigo (13 ) Played by Anton V; Plomb (20 ) Played by Jan D; Avery (11 ) Played by Claire B; Chili (16 ) Played by Alisa P; Similay (18 ) Played by Stefan K; Salazar (19 ) Played by Magdalena G; Bellamy (17 ) Played by Aurore L; Karma (NPC) (12 ) still looking for its player ;