Sonia Parker, The Pope's Camerlengo Cardinal #88 [Demetra - INTERNATIONAL]

Sonia Parker
#88 - The Pope's Camerlengo Cardinal

Played by : A. K.

Motto: Only those who have faith in God will find His light and will feel His love.
Group: The New Reformed Church


Your life has been spent for the Church. From an early age you loved and honored the mother and father as written in Scriptures. Religion, faith and love for yor neighbors have always been important values for you. What is written on the Holy Bible is law. However, all thow new recruits brought into the fold of the Church still have much to learn about religious life. In a religious community there is no place for individuality, and the group always comes first. For you a clergywoman must be a beacon of light for everyone. A beacon that never loses its light, even when temptations claw at the backdoor of conscience. Pope Benedicta I life and works are a testament to these principles, and since you were her most trusted assistant yo know she could be an example of righteousness and pure soul.

KEY WORDS: righteousness, devotion, love, stubborness, faith


In your religious life you have known many brothers and sisters. Among these, Giulio Pacelli   stands out for his faith in God. The same can not be said about Clement Sanders  . You consider him more like a puppet than a man of faith who spends his life for the Church. Benedetta Mirandola   impressed you. Her strong spirit and body represent what this church needs.

Origin: Guests - Group: The New Reformed Church - Gender: female - Età dell'interprete: Over 35 - Advices: Recommended for older players

Other members of the group: The New Reformed Church Stefania Monforte (85 ) Played by Filippo S; Maria Sforza (84 ) Played by Giulia S; Clement Sanders (90 ) Played by Omar S; Adelaide Sprenger (86 ) Played by Stéphanie G; Benedetta Mirandola (87 ) Played by Ida M; Giulio Pacelli (89 ) Played by Elio D;