Juan Felipe Cristobal, El Carnicero #55 [Desaparecidos - ENG]

Played by : S. K.

Motto: | Only one thing is worse than being a criminal. It is to drive to crime he who's not made for it. | (A. Camus)
Group: The Military
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The military. "The country is safe, because we have a good secret service” (A. Pinochet)

Soldiers, army members, ordinary police, Carabineros, and agents of the DINA, the feared and dangerous secret police.
They are military, but also politicians, in a mashup common in dictatorships. They can be cold, but also cruel and violent. They are respected by some, and feared by all. Among them there are loyal soldiers, but also ambitious and ruthless individuals that hide their perversions behind orders and an uniform. They are the fist of repression, justified by the need to maintain order and safety, avoiding any opposition that might destabilize or damage the government, protecting Chile from the soviet menace.
Their gameplay will be related to physical and psychological abuse, discovering brutality, and they will be torn between duty, discipline and moral dilemma.
THEMES: human dignity, responsibility, duty, morals.


They call him “El Carnicero”, the butcher. The DINA agent Cristobal smiles, and proudly accept such a compliment. He knows that appreciating meat, knowing where to cut, understanding the joints with a bare touch, is an art. And he, the master. Wonders are born from his blade, for it is led by his faith in Jesus Christ, who died and was resurrected for the saving of mankind. In the same way, all this drawn blood will save and resurrect Chile. Juan brings the Almighty’s justice into this world, without any pity or regret, for his is a true and right mission, one that fulfill


A few years ago he heard that red rat, Andres Pascal Allende   speaking his subversive ideas in a bar: he was stopped right before he could cut his throat and silence him forever. He tried bringing God’s bidding in the University, an hideout for red snakes, but Hector Hernan Gonzalez Osorio   made him leave. He still remembers his disdainful eyes. In Villa Grimaldi he fall between the arms of Maria Eliana Soza   and now can’t make peace with his own sin. He prays, hoping the almighty will forgive him.

Alignment: The regime - Group: The Military - Nationality: Chile - Gender: Male - Player's Age: any age - DISCLAIMER: Disclaimer:
The characters and the stories presented in DESAPARECIDOS are inspired by people and real facts, but their description and characterization is totally the result of imagination.
In the writing of the event numerous liberties have been taken, especially as regards the characterization of the characters, the images used and the succession of the various events, which never claim to reflect the reality of the facts or behavior of historical characters.
The interpretation of the players and the evolution of the narrative will lead to moments and events quite distant from historical reality.

It is not intention of the authors to express any specific position or to make judgments on specific facts that actually occurred -except to condemn the use of any form of violence by anyone- nor to diminish in any way the historical and personal tragedy of the Chilean people and thousands of families involved in the drama of the desaparecidos.