Urania Moses, The lovely food lab boss #86 [Icarus - run italiana]

Urania Moses
#86 - The lovely food lab boss

Interpretato da: C. M.

Motto: You must be weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.
Work Group: Food Lab
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“We produce quality”

Kowmang is a Kowlective, which means it’s a family that takes all aspects of the well-being of every employee very seriously. On Icarus, lunch and dinner breaks are not just moments to shy away and quickly consume a cold pre-packed meal! The opposite is true, as every meal is a chance for interaction, that’s why food lab operators meet everybody and knows everything that’s going on in Icarus.
Icarus is equipped with a food lab and mess hall, where both social and nutritional aspects of every meal are fully cared about. Through the latest model of HyperNourish 3d food printer and Auto-Mealer computer interface, Food Lab personnel is in charge of the vital task of feeding the Station. Being part of the Food Lab means planning which nutritious elements are going to be produced by the printer, and in which form; but also struggling to get enough energy in order to reach the full potential of the system and serve healthy and balanced meals.
Managing the station’s scarce resources is anything but an easy and menial task. Provisions may run low, but with creativity and adaptability, Food Lab is always capable of responding to every crisis.



Lots of people tend to dodge responsibility, even when in command of a team on an asteroid: Icarus is full of fools to the brim, more commonly referred to as "scum of the universe''. But that's not for U. Moses, the lovely food engineer from Ceres. Moses has always been critical of those who use force to command, exactly like OPA does. Strength can make people obey, but can't make them understand: brute force never leads to anything good. That's why U. prefers to be a good boss, pleasant and polite. Moderation and kindness make authority irresistible. It is of little relevance that some people think Moses gained a boss position on Icarus only thanks to the influence of Martians and Earthers. Those rumors are spread out of ignorance and possibly envy, only because this Belter has never shied away from exposing OPA's contradictions and being open and loud about the dangers that radicalized OPA members could bring on the whole Belter community. Let them talk: being kind and soft doesn't mean you can't be brave or tough, if need be.


Clearly Waybourne   has never set foot in a food lab before, and this will inevitably make things harder to manage. Also having Stiegsen   aroud with that resentful attitude is going to make things a lot harder...
Moses' sibling-in-law Donovan   is lazy and has gotten worse after the accident, becoming paranoid and talking about made-up theories... but just needs love and affection. Scott   is a piece of work: lazy and a pain in the ass, but at least obeys the orders.
Luckily there's Nasser   in the food lab. This cook is helpful, orderly and thorough, and a pretty pleasant person.
Even if Perrin   is spoiled and sometimes arrogant, chatting and discussing with this Earther about polical topics is interesting. B. Moses   and U. are siblings.

- Work Group: Food Lab - Origin: Belter - unisex - Shift: Omega

Altri membri del gruppo: Food Lab Kenneth Ishida (15 ) interpretato da Andrea F; Walter Pavlov (13 ) interpretato da Emanuele B; Jaden Rahal (16 ) interpretato da Marcello R; Takashi Stiegsen (88 ) interpretato da Matteo W; Natsumi Scott (84 ) interpretato da Michela B; Fujimaro Nasser (85 ) interpretato da Alex D; Eliodoro Kalu (17 ) interpretato da Daniele D; Leone Waybourne (87 ) interpretato da Gian Paolo M; Samsara Zogby (14 ) interpretato da Chantal M;