Hercule Leandros, The patronizing and wise captain #68 [Icarus - run italiana]

Hercule Leandros
#68 - The patronizing and wise captain

Interpretato da: M. M.

Motto: In a war where mankind's very survival hangs in the balance, it's up to each of us to make a difference.
Work Group: Mars Commission
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“Cooperating is often tougher than leading”

Icarus is a privately owned mining facility, but past events and an unstable political situation require a closer look on the mining operations. Both Earth and Mars sent their own delegations to keep a stable and trusted presence on the asteroid. Their main task is to ensure the extraction of precious fissile material proceeds as planned, and to see the agreed royalties are paid in full each month.
Both commissions are made up of top level personnel selected among the elite of their planet: high-tiered Diplomats in charge of the delicate inter-planetary relationships, Military personnel appointed to oversee security and Scientists entrusted with supervising studies in the Labs.
Being part of one of such delegation means representing one of the major powers operating in the Solar System, someone prepared for any challenge.



Leandros is in charge of the Mars Commission during the Shift, a choice justified both by the many years of service in the Martian Navy, and the Captain's legendary composure, better fit for a diplomat than a soldier. And indeed, this proud Martian is more than a damn good soldier with a lot of experience who turned out to be one of the best Sergeant Instructors in the MCR Armed Forces: a listener, an observer, a tactician and, as strange as it may sound, a wise and caring parent-figure, the Captain is all of the above. Of course, such a personality could also be quite patronizing and annoying. Whether or not the Captain puts on a perfect poker face or a condescending smile, you can tell there are no doubts whatsoever in that efficient mind, or at least nobody has ever been able to spot them, so far. Mars is the only goal, and order, discipline and perseverance are all it takes to get there. That’s all other people need to know about Captain Leandros.


Leandros, as Seargent Istructor, trained T. Makimura  , Espera  , and unfortunately A. Kassad  , what a disgusting disappointment that promising Marine turned out to be. Vodyakin   is a spoiled brat lucky enough to be born with an important family name. With such a huge asset, Vodyakin could really be a gamechanger for Mars. Petit   is a respected scientist and a true Martian, but maybe too much of a nationalist to work peacefully on Icarus.
Suri   was born and bred on Earth, so K. could be an interesting source. Leandros remembers many young soldiers from the time in the military: among them, a young Vazquez   was one of the most promising rookies.
Many Martians know the story of Van Dez  , once a promising scientific officer and now a deserter rotting in the most secluded corner of the Belt. What can possibly have reduced a good soldier to a broken husk ?

- Work Group: Mars Commission - Origin: Martian - unisex - Shift: Omega

Altri membri del gruppo: Mars Commission Bartholomew Petit (66 ) interpretato da Vittorio M; Keith Suri (67 ) interpretato da Simone M; Ananke Higashi (36 ) interpretato da Valentina D; Nikolay Vodyakin (37 ) interpretato da Alessandro R; Cassius Dove (38 ) interpretato da Lorenzo L;